New Look

We are trying a new look for Tribal Journeys Info site.

Plus we added a PHOTO GALLERY.  Are these familiar sights to you?

Hope it will be easier to find things and to view the content on the new look page.

During this process of site-morphing we may change the appearance a few times to find just the right one, so please bear with us during the transitional stages.  🙂

Child watches canoe landing at Port Angeles 2005

Child watches canoe landing at Port Angeles 2005

Stay Informed

Remember to stay informed of the upcoming events, and find the details on the Events page on this site – CLICK HERE.

Do you have news, events, info, announcenemts that your tribe or canoe family wants to get out to the widest possible audience. Let us know so we can post your info on this site.

We can also cross-promote your info on several other sites and message boards so even more people can become aware.  Our sites receive thousands of hits each day so your info can reach a much larger audience than you could ever imagine. Just let us know your news, announcements, updates, etc.. We are here to serve the communities.

Please remember to include: Title of event, Location and Address, Dates, Times, Contact person, etc.

Paddle to Elwha 2005

Paddle to Elwha 2005