Real People in Recovery

Meet Real People in Recovery from Meth Visit , where you’ll find inspiring personal stories of meth recovery.  

And Keep in Mind  

Treatment options vary. Sometimes a variety of approaches are needed to help someone achieve recovery. Different types of treatment work for different people.

Treatment takes persistence but it pays off in the end. Recovery is not instantaneous. It is an ongoing, difficult process that requires work to maintain, but it can lead to a profound life transformation and enormous personal growth.

Treatment is possible for everyone – even you. If you’re concerned about your own drug or alcohol use, you don’t have to deal with it alone. Consider talking to a doctor, therapist, teacher or family member who can lend support. Or attend a meeting of an anonymous self-help group devoted to helping members recover and lead healthy lives.

Treatment does work. People with drug or alcohol problems can get well; they can regain their physical health and well-being and improve their relationships with others.


One Response

  1. Treatment for me meant to go to the ancestors for that help..all that we need they have saved for us and it is up to us to carry that in a good way no matter what anyone says we must do as they ask and do the work that the Creator has wished us to do..spiritual guidance works hand in hand with is mind,body and soul to total recovery..the rest is up to you.
    No matter if those who are selling drugs are related turn them in to the cops so they can get the help they need to stop killing our families and the healing’s soon begin and do not ever give up hope.

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