Canoe Society Safety info

To:         Canoe Nations 

From:     Jeff Smith and Sweetwater Nannauck 

Dear Friends and Relatives,  

The Intertribal Canoe Society Safety Committee has been active the last two canoe journeys in acquiring and distributing safety equipment. After the loss of our beloved Jerry Jack on the journey this last summer there has been a lot of discussion about safety.  Sweetwater Nannauck wrote down many of the safety ideas that folks shared with her, and they are written below in this message.

 As many of you know, Jerry’s daughter Colleen ….. is particularly interested in supporting canoe journey safety initiatives. Hence, the Kla-okwa-gee-la Intertribal Safety Committee is so named in his honor. AFSC has a low-cost conference calling system that the Safety Committee will be trying for the first time. We would also like to consider doing Safety Committee business in conjunction with Canoe Journey planning meetings. —Jeff

To view the Canoe Safety Standards Listing CLICK HERE.