Honoring Carol Kirk


Honoring/Memorial for Hum-a-py-nen (Grizzle Bear arriving) Carol A. Kirk, at Lower Elwha and Neah Bay during Tribal Journey 2010 events. 

Carol and her ha-ma (husband) Jim had traveled with the Muckleshoot canoe family and the last 3 years with Skipper Phil Charles and the Elwha Lightening. 

Carol looked forward to this years tribal Journey with much anticipation.  

Carol passed away on Saturday May 29, 2010 and is buried at the old agency cemetery in Mission Oregon beside her Mother.  

Carol was a hereditary Princess of the Cayuse tribe, in Oregon. She didn’t believe in flaunting who she was , so she never told anyone she was royalty, she just wanted accepted for who she was.

Carol was born October 22 1949 in Pendleton Oregon to Leo Crawford and Ernestine Burke Crawford. She was of 4/4 Native blood , Cayuse, Palouse , Walla , and Umatilla. With related ties to Muckleshoot, Nez Perce, Puyallup , Warm Springs, Yakima, Paiute, and Cheyenne tribes. She also have relatives in Canada of the Nez Perce tribe, from the 1877 war. 


(Re-posted to Canoe Northwest Group on Yahoo by Ben K. Charles http://groups.yahoo.com/group/canoesnorthwest/ )

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